Sunday, November 30, 2008

twin binkis

Maleah never took a binki when she was a baby...but now she's making up for it.


Ramona said...

Hi Tasha and Grant--so glad to find your blog via Mishel Stonely's blog. Congratulations on everything. Wow what miracles have occurred in your life! I love the video posts--how do you do that Grant?

Kass Martin said...

Your babies are gorgeous. I want to cry they are so adorable. I love that they love being close to each other. Twins are the most miraculous things in the world. Congratulations on your beautiful family. Grant you are outnumbered but luckily Jacob is here to be on your side and go golfing with you when he's older-and let's not forget softball.

Ivy & Mae said...

LOVE this picture!

Bridget said...

I found you through Ramona- your babies are so beautiful. Congratulations and Merry Christmas!