Grandma and Grampa Cusick flew in from California and helped us issue in the twins' 2nd Birthday! It was great fun.
Jacob must really hate sleeping in his crib b/c we find him in more "cozy" places.
Maleah showing her dashing smile (rarely on camera or on cue).
I've never seen Tasha sooooo excited to sit next to such colorful pumpkins.
We were so lucky that the Utah weather didn't scare off our California guests. We could actually spend some good time out on the deck without freezing our noses off.
The pumpkin family. We stayed up until midnight, and yes, Gramps and Gran hung out the entire time! It was great fun!
Funny faces...
Heidi showed up with her date Adam. Boy has she aged!!!
Maleah wanted to wear Heidi's "old woman" glasses.
Jacob and Emma looked at these cupcakes for a while, just wondering what in the world they were supposed to do with it. As if they were saying: "would you please put out the fire so I can eat it please???? "
Grampa Mike with his Mom and Dad.
We had such fun listening to Gramps and Gran's stories when they grew up. Our power went out and grampa said that our lamps are a lot brighter than the ones they used when they grew up. The both remember when they got power in their house for the first time. Amazing!